Weekly reflection #3

During our last full week of senior project, our group got a lot of work down with at the Merrimack County jail, setting up for our 3v3 basketball tournament, and helping with the Proctor 5k. We only got to go to the jail once during this week. We communicate with Marc Marchand on what days we should be attending and helping at the jail. When we went on Tuesday we got a good amount of work done. We spray painted the free throw line and the hand ball court. We ran out of supplies but were expecting to go again on Thursday but Marc wasn't there so we didn't go. Later on during that week we had our 3v3 basketball tournament. We have been planning for it since the beginning of senior project. When the day came we had all of our supplies but needed to get a few things from Trish like a table and basketballs. Everyone came on time and the games started right at 6:00. We sold a decent amount of drinks and few snacks to everyone playing and watching. The games were very intense and many of the teams wanted to play more but we had limited amount of time for that. In the end of it Terrell, Trevor, and Miles team won the tournament. We raised a good amount of money for the taxi fund and will be giving the money to Marc the next time we meet with him. Then to finish the week off was the Proctor 5k. We helped with Kelly by getting the t-shirts, organizing them, measuring the 5k distance, setting up, and cleaning up. It was really cool to see what work has to go into this. I ran the 5k once and didn't realize that Kelly and her team needed to wake up early to set up and do registration for everyone. Even though I didn't run it was great to see everyone happy and having a fun time. Everything we planned went pretty well except not going to the jail on Thursday. I will benefit from this because I learned a lot from planning and preparing ahead for big events. Also, I learned how much hard work needs to go into an event before it even starts. We completed all of ours goals for this week but just need to finish up our work at the jail. Overall, this was my favorite week of senior project and can't believe its gone by so fast.


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