Weekly Reflection #2

The second week of senior project was very productive and the group got a lot of work done. Our work schedule was similar to last week as we went to the Merrimack County Jail twice and worked on preparing for the 3v3 basketball tournament. Trying to get sign ups was hard thing to do but as the week went on we really pushed it out to people and shared our plan for the tournament. Going to the jail was really tough because we wanted to measure and tape everything perfect for the inmates and make spray painting the lines easy for us as well. I think the work were doing will really be beneficial because were putting in a lot of work in the jail and trying to give them hope and happiness for the inmates. I think they'll really appreciate when we spray down the lines for the basketball hope and hand ball area. Also, the money we raise goes to them and we're hoping they'll stay out of trouble and not want to go back to jail. There really been any changes with our project. We've been more productive I think and we've really enjoyed every second of it. I will benefit for the work we completed this week. I think putting down the tape as lines for the inmates really made them happy because they can be more competitive and not have to imagine the lines. From the basketball tournament, we learned how to communicate with everyone better and get them to want to sign up. Usually everyone doesn't want to pay to play but we reminded everyone it is for a taxi fund and a good cause. All the work done this week is helping us achieve our goals that we set for ourselves. We aren't satisfied with doing an average job with the jail so we really stride to make it to the best of our ability. The 3v3 basketball tournament really means a lot to us because it something we thought of and wanted to do this whole time. Getting the sign ups and seeing people happy to be apart of is a really cool thing. Overall, It's been a really accomplishing week and I can't wait see what comes next.


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