Senior Project 5-9-19

Today was a very productive day for our senior project group, we did a good amount of work in the jail and for the 3v3 basketball tournament. We went to the jail to get work done in the gym as usual. We created and hung up posters on the walls for the five exercises we made up. The five exercise were push ups, sit ups, wall sits, planks, and burpees. We made the posters so the inmates could write there names down, how many reps they completed or how long there times were. Also, they took some of the tape we put down for a free throw line and made it into a hand ball court. That was definitely helpful but we will have to reline the free throw line. When we came back to campus we went to lunch and got sign ups. Once lunch ended we made new fliers for the tournament and took down the old ones. We replaced them all around campus. We did 3.5 hours of work today.


  1. Crush it. Put a tape measure against the wall and see who has the highest vertical leap!


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