Senior Project 5-2-19

Today was the longest day of work and learning so far. We went to the Concord Court house with Fiona Mills Honors U.S History class. We left school around 8:45 and got there at 9:30. We were fortunate enough to listen in on two cases. In the first one an Indian man wasn't a citizen of the United States but served in the military and was fighting to get his U.S citizenship. After that fascinating case, we ate some pizza together. The next case was absolutely crazy. A woman was involved in a huge fentanyl bust in Lawerence. She would received phone calls from buyers and then alert the drug dealers that buyers are coming to them. Over 400 grams of fentanyl was seized during this case. She pled guilty and is facing a minimum of 10 years in Prison. We left the prison around 1:30. We totaled about 4 and a half hours at the courthouse. This experience was really cool and we got a better background of what people may be going through and how we can keep there minds right.


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